Once you have been diagnosed with a parotid tumor,

it is imperative that you are aware of the different treatment options available to you. The minimally invasive parotidectomy, or microparotidectomy, is a progressive procedure performed at the CENTER for Advanced Parotid & Facial Nerve Surgery located in Beverly Hills because it has numerous advantages and extremely high cure rates. Dr. Larian pioneered this surgical technique for his patients’ benefit so they no longer need to worry about a surgery with an extended recovery time, visible scarring, and potentially negative side-effects.

Parotid Tumors

Individuals should be proactive about their health and follow up with a physician for any sudden changes or developments that seem out of the ordinary. There is not an exact cause that has yet been linked to the development of parotid gland tumors, but radiation exposure can increase the risk of tumors. Individuals should be cautious about their radiation exposure, especially now with the everyday use of cell phones, which can possibly increase the chance of parotid tumor development.

Expert Advice

A doctor should examine any mass or growth as soon as possible to determine if it is cancerous or not. A fine needle biopsy is most often used to evaluate the tumor tissue and organ tissue for infection, cell abnormalities, and disease. A parotid tumor that is determined not cancerous can still grow and potentially cause distress to the surrounding tissues and facial nerve. In order to avoid these potential complications, such as facial paralysis, a parotid specialist should remove the parotid tumor by using the minimally invasive parotidectomy technique to promptly separate the growth.

Benefits of the Minimally Invasive Parotidectomy

The benefits that the minimally invasive parotidectomy technique has are quite profound when compared to the standard parotid surgery technique. The micro incision that Dr. Larian has progressed within the medical community along with facial nerve expert and facial plastic surgeon Dr. Azizzadeh provides immense amounts of relief for their patients. The minimally invasive parotidectomy is an outpatient procedure so the patient can experience a quicker and less severe recovery time as opposed to spending multiple days recovering from surgery in the hospital. The micro incision also produces fewer traumas to the fragile parotid glands and its surrounding tissue.

Reducing the Risk of Facial Paralysis

The possibility of facial paralysis caused by parotid surgery may raise many questions for patients due to the location and close proximity of the parotid tumor to the facial nerve. The preservation and integrity of the facial nerve is a top priority for patients that need to have parotid surgery. Dr. Larian executes the minimally invasive parotidectomy while Dr. Azizzadeh monitors that the integrity of the facial nerve is kept. After the tumor is extracted and they determine the facial nerve is intact, Dr. Azizzadeh can then reconstruct the surgery site to make the patient’s face symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing. Rebuilding the area around the facial nerve during the procedure also adds an additional layer of protective tissue surrounding the nerve, helping to prevent Frey’s syndrome.

Schedule a Consultation for a Minimally Invasive Parotidectomy with Dr. Larian today!

As you further explore your options for parotid surgery, having world-renowned parotid surgeon expert Dr. Larian perform the minimally invasive parotidectomy becomes a very clear choice. Call the CENTER for Advanced Parotid & Facial Nerve Surgery today to learn more at (310) 461-0300!


Call us at (310) 461-0300 to schedule an appointment.